The Definitive Yogananda

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The Definitive Yogananda

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Author: Yogananda


ISBN: 9789353332952

Date: 1st June, 2019


  1. Categories

  2. Religion
  3. Material And Coursework


The Indian Yogi who introduced the art of meditation in the West, Swami Paramhansa Yoganandaâ?Ts spiritual contribution to the world is immense. It has a vast collection of Yoganandaâ?Ts works on yoga and meditation, his commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, his short biography of Patanjali and the ever so popular Autobiography of a Yogi.Under a common umbrella of The Definitive Yogananda, the words and wisdom of an evolved and spiritual thinker of our times will be revealedike never before. This volume is a tour-de-force in the spiritual understanding of issues which concerns us today and forever.

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