Gregor Schneider: Ernst Franz Vogelmann-Prize For Sculpture

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Gregor Schneider: Ernst Franz Vogelmann-Prize For Sculpture

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Author: Marc Gundel

Type: Hardback

ISBN: 9783864424212

Date: 15th January, 2024


  1. Categories

  2. Exhibition Catalogues


Never being able to escape spaces because they are charged, both socially and by taboos, because they have a psychological effect in addition to their physical effect, precisely captures Gregor Schneider's artistic position. Gregor Schneider, born in Rheydt in 1969, suddenly became known to a broad public in 2001 with » Totes Haus u r&« after the work was awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale. He now joins Roman Signer, Franz Erhard Walther, Thomas Schü tte, Richard Deacon, and Ay?e Erkmen as the 2023 recipient of the Ernst Franz Vogelmann-Prize for Sculpture. A lecturer at Kunstakademie Dü sseldorf since 2016, the artist » looks behind the faç ade of things and, along the way, redefines the terms of sculpture and installation,&« according to the prize jury. And indeed, his biographically based agenda repeatedly forms the unsettling and also quite vexing point of departure for his works, which in fact turn the visitors into active protagonists.

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