Feed Your Child Well

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Feed Your Child Well

Product information

Author: Therese Dunne


ISBN: 9781847178381

Date: 10th April, 2017


  1. Categories

  2. Parenting: Advice And Issues
  3. Public Health And Preventive Medicine


Good nutrition in infancy and early childhood lays the foundations for a healthy life. This common-sense guide - now in its fourth edition - provides reliable, practical and unbiased advice on everything from the basics of nutrition to shopping wisely, from dealing with food refusal to allergies and obesity. Topics include: Preventing obesity Breastfeeding your baby Wind, colic and other common feeding problems Fussy eating and how to handle it Weaning your baby, including sample menus Choosing the right baby formula Shopping wisely and reading food labels Establishing good eating habits Sorting fact from fashionable fallacy Food allergy and special diets for children

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